This is the default configuration for License Manager
function HelpText(show, message)
if show then
-- TriggerEvent('cd_drawtextui:ShowUI', 'show', message)
-- ESX.TextUI(message)
-- exports['okokTextUI']:Open(message, 'lightblue', 'right')
-- exports['qb-core']:DrawText(message)
-- exports['bcs_hud']:displayHelp(message)
-- TriggerEvent('cd_drawtextui:HideUI')
-- ESX.HideUI()
-- exports['okokTextUI']:Close()
-- exports['qb-core']:HideText()
-- exports['bcs_hud']:closeHelp()
function Notify(title, message, type, duration)
-- ===== QB uncomment below =====
-- if type == 'info' or type == 'warning' then
-- type = 'primary'
-- end
-- QBCore.Functions.Notify(message, type, duration)
-- ===== QB uncomment above ======
-- exports['bcs_hud']:SendAlert(title, message, type, duration)
-- exports['okokNotify']:Alert(title, message, duration, type)
-- ESX.ShowNotification(message)
lib.notify({ title = title, description = message, type = type, duration = duration })
RegisterNetEvent('LicenseManager:notify', Notify)
Config = {
debug = false,
target = true,
enablePed = false,
ManagerBased = true,
Database = {
badge = 'badges',
license = 'licenses',
license_history = 'license_history',
-- set either one of this up in your server.cfg
-- fivemanage or fivemerr or GKSMEDIA
-- setr SCREENSHOT_TOKEN yourtoken
-- standalone
-- setr IMAGE_SERVER http://your.image.server.ip
-- discord
-- setr SCREENSHOT_WEBHOOK your_webhook_link
Screenshot = 'fivemerr',
ScreenshotAnim = {
dict = 'rcmnigel1a',
clip = 'base'
ScreenshotGreenScreen = true,
GreenScreenProp = 'km_greenscreen_01',
DistanceCheck = 8, -- Maximum distance to create a player license
society = false, -- If you want the payment for licenses to be sent to company account, set it to true
-- Available options
-- 'ox_inventory',
-- 'qs-inventory',
-- 'core_inventory',
-- true (using default framework inventory)
-- false (if you dont want to use the license as items)
inventory = 'ox_inventory',
Expiry = {
RemoveOnExpired = false,
CheckInterval = 3 * 60 * 60 * 1000 -- Checks every three hour of server lifetime
ConvertMode = {
enable = false,
-- put the old licenses ['your old license type name'] = 'the new name in Config.Licenses'
old_licenses = {
['drive'] = 'driver_car',
['drive_bike'] = 'driver_bike',
['drive_truck'] = 'driver_truck'
maleGender = 'm', -- match your database gender column
-- convert from esx_license old licenses, Compatible for oxmysql
Config.UI = {
['currency'] = 'USD', -- if you want usd change it to USD, list can be found here
['expiry'] = true, -- enable or disable expiry system
Last updated on