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Paid Scripts
Job Center

Job Center


Put the script to the resources folder

Configure the config.lua to your framework

Set the coordinates and jobs in config.lua

Adding Images

  • Add the job thumbnail image to html/images/jobs/jobname.png

    Job Lists
  • Add job details image to html/images/details/nameaccordingtoconfig.png. You need to make sure the image name is the same as in your config image='DiscordLogo' then the image name shallbe DiscordLogo.png in details folder.

Enabling Third Option

This third option can be used for whatever list you want. It can be enabled in the config.lua in Config.EnableThirdOption = true

To configure the functionality of it, go to cl_function.lua and find this part.

RegisterNUICallback('chooseOption', function(data, cb)
    local name = data.name
    local value = data.value
    local label = data.label
    -- do something with the name option in your config
    print('option chosen!', name, value, label)

This can be configure for example if you want to add a license with esx_dmvschool.

RegisterNUICallback('chooseOption', function(data, cb)
    local name = data.name
    local value = data.value
    local label = data.label
    -- do something with the name option in your config
    TriggerServerEvent('esx_dmvschool', name)