This is the default ESX configuration for Company Manager
function Notify(title, message, type, duration)
-- ===== QB uncomment below =====
-- if type == 'info' or type == 'warning' then
-- type = 'primary'
-- end
-- QBCore.Functions.Notify(message, type, duration)
-- ===== QB uncomment above ======
-- exports['bcs_hud']:SendAlert(title, message, type, duration)
-- For mythic notify example
-- if type == 'info' then
-- type = 'inform'
-- end
-- exports['mythic_notify']:SendAlert(type, message)
function HelpText(show, message)
if show then
-- exports['qb-core']:DrawText(message)
-- TriggerEvent('cd_drawtextui:ShowUI', 'show', text)
-- exports['qb-core']:HideText()
-- TriggerEvent('cd_drawtextui:HideUI')
function debugPrint(...)
if Config.debug then
RegisterNetEvent('company:notify', Notify)
Config = {
framework = 'ESX', -- ESX or QB
debug = false,
multijob = false, -- Compability with 'core_multijob' or 'wasabi_multijob' or 'ps-multijob' or false
UI = {
['currency'] = 'USD', -- if you want usd change it to USD, list can be found here
['currencysymbol'] = '$',
['disablebossbilling'] = false,
['position'] = 'top', -- Top, Center, or Bottom
['permissions'] = {
['MaxEmployeeCut'] = 20 -- in percentage in the ui
OffJobPrefix = 'off',
LowestGrade = 0, -- the default grade for hire and fire
DeletePaid = false, -- This will delete paid bills if set to true
billcommand = 'billing', -- open bill menu
AutoPay = true, -- Pay bills pass deadline
AutoPayCheckTimer = 60 * 60, -- Check Unpaid Bills for every one hour
DaysUntilExpiry = 30,
BossMenuDepositAccount = "bank", -- can be changed to money / cash or bank
PayAccountWith = 'bank', -- esx account money, bank, black_money
useESXSociety = false, -- if you want to use this script with esx_society and not standalone
Tax = {
enabled = false,
percent = 2, -- percentage of invoice generated
job = 'government' -- who the tax will be sent to?
mugshot = false,
database = {
gang = 'gangs',
billing = "billings", -- database name for billing
company = "jobs", -- database name for company. For QBCore change to 'management_funds' or 'bank_accounts'
company_columns = { -- only for QB, since qb has updated.
job = 'job_name', -- Change to account_name if using qb-banking
amount = 'amount' -- qb banking use account_balance
enableBlack = {
mechanic = true, -- enable or disable company to keep black money
ambulance = false,
police = false,
useMarkers = true, -- if you want to use markers to open boss menu
Markers = {
police = {
vec3(448.2939, -973.0830, 29.6896),
-- vec3(441.2136, -974.8208, 29.6920) -- multiple location example
ambulance = {
vec3(263.6728, -1357.9293, 23.5378)
lostmc = {
vec3(-474.2486, 272.5231, 83.2463)
target = { -- optional you can leave it empty if you are not using qtarget
police_lspd = {
job = 'police',
coords = vector3(447.14, -974.46, 30.69),
size = vector3(1.5, 1.5, 2.0),
heading = 0.0
lostmc = {
gang = 'lostmc',
coords = vector3(447.14, -974.46, 30.69),
size = vector3(1.5, 1.5, 2.0),
heading = 0.0
MaxRanks = {
['police'] = 10,
['ambulance'] = 8,
['mechanic'] = 6,
['mafia'] = 10
Last updated on