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Paid Scripts
Home Object V3

Home Object (Client Side)

This is for developer use if you want to tinker with the Housing or integrate it with something.

---@class Configurations
---@field garage boolean
---@field rename boolean
---@field cctv boolean
---@field storage number
---@field keys number
---@field wardrobes number
---@class InteriorData
---@field name string model name
---@field label string
---@field entry vector3
---@field heading number
---@class HouseData
---@field flat table
---@field interior InteriorData | string
---@field placement table
---@field downpayment number
---@field garage vector4
---@field managehouse vector4
---@class Storage
---@field id number
---@field coords? vector4
---@field weight? number
---@field slots? number
---@field type 'zone' | 'furniture'
---@class HomeProperties
---@field name string
---@field price number
---@field type 'mlo' | 'shell' | 'ipl'
---@field complex 'Individual' | 'Apartment' | 'Flat'
---@field apartments? table
---@field entry vector4
---@field payment 'Sale' | 'Rent'
---@field locked boolean
---@field realestate string
---@field data HouseData
---@field lastPayment number
---@field lastLogin number
---@field owner string
---@field area table
---@field wardrobes table<number, vector4>
---@field storages table<number, Storage>
 This is the main home data
---@class HomeObject
---@field identifier string
---@field properties HomeProperties
---@field configuration Configurations
---@field keys table
---@field players table<number>
---@field furniture table
---@field mortgages table
---@field cctv table
---@field doors table


Entrance Coordinate

In order to get the entry coordinate of the house do check the complex first. Here is an example:

local home = exports.bcs_housing:GetHome(homeid)
local entry = home.properties.complex == 'Flat' and
            vec3(home.properties.data.flat.coords.x, home.properties.data.flat.coords.y,
                home.properties.data.flat.coords.z) or
            vec3(home.properties.entry.x, home.properties.entry.y, home.properties.entry.z)
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