Screenshot Upload Server
Fivemanage (opens in a new tab) or Fivemerr (opens in a new tab)
Change the Config.Screenshot
to Screenshot = 'fivemanage',
or Screenshot = 'fivemerr',
Add this and change the token to your
token to your server.cfg cfg setr SCREENSHOT_TOKEN yourtoken
Discord Webhook
not recommended since it only stores for 14 days
Config Discord
Change the Config.Screenshot
to Screenshot = 'discord',
Webhook Discord
Add this and change the Webhook to your Webhook to your server.cfg cfg setr SCREENSHOT_WEBHOOK your_webhook_link
Standalone (tutorial here)
Config Standalone
Change the Config.Screenshot
to Screenshot = 'standalone',
Ip Server
Add this and change the ip to your ip to your server.cfg cfg setr IMAGE_SERVER http://your.image.server.ip
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