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BCS Questionare

This allows for easy exports and callbacks for configurable quizes or tests.


  • Easy export and simple clean ui
  • 0.00 ms (duh its a nui)


To use the exports it has 2 parameters

local result = exports['bcs_questionare']:StartQuiz(home, questions)
  • home: table (object)

    • minimum: number
      • Minimum correct questions to pass the test
    • title: string
      • Title of the test
    • subtitle: string
      • Subtitle of the test
    • description: string
      • Description of the test
    • image: string (url)
      • Link of the image
    • passed?: string
      • End title to show after passing the test
    • failed?: string
      • End title to show after failign the test
  • questions: table (array)

    • id: number
    • image?: string (url)
    • question: string
      • The question
    • answers: table (array & object)
      • id: string
      • answer?: string
      • image?: string (url)
      • correct: string (id)

Example usage

local home = {
    minimum = 1,
    passed = 'You have passed the test',
    failed = 'You failed the test',
    title = 'Theory Car',
    subtitle = 'A license test',
    description = 'Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet',
    image = 'url',
local function GenerateQuestions()
    local tempArr = {}
    local corrects = {'a', 'b', 'c', 'd'}
    for i=1, 4 do
        tempArr[#tempArr+1] = {
            id = i,
            image = 'url',
            question = 'Default Question '..i,
            correct = corrects[math.random(1,4)],
            answers = {
                    answer = 'Answer is this',
                    image = 'url'
                    answer = 'breh',
                    image = 'url'
                    id = 'c',
                    answer = 'False Dahek',
                    image = 'url'
                    id = 'd',
                    answer = 'Not wut',
                    image = 'url'
    return tempArr
local questions = GenerateQuestions()
local result = exports['bcs_questionare']:StartQuiz(home, questions)
if result then
    print('passed the test')
    print('failed the test')


Is available in my discord (Don't create a ticket) or you can create an issue here https://discord.gg/92JZmrMMez (opens in a new tab)


Contributions are always welcome!