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Paid Scripts
Getting Started








  • esx_skin
  • qb
  • fivem-appearance
  • Add your own its unencrypted for this function



Import the SQL (Optional)

Import the SQL file for the job to your database

Rename the script

Rename the script if its not named bcs_housing yet.

Make sure you have the dependencies installed:


Configure the config to your liking and framework ESX or QB


ensure/start the script in your server cfg ensure bcs_housing

Generate the images for furniture

Generate the images for furniture, follow this guide

Don't forget to change the configs accordingly such as the config/job.lua and change the job name to job_name = 'realestate', for default realestate qb job name.

Converting from V2 to V3

If you were using v2 previuosly you can follow this steps:

  1. Make sure to backup your database of the houses first
  2. Make sure no one is inside the server
  3. Use the command converthouse in the server console / txadmin live console
  4. Restart the housing script

Creating a house

  1. Use the command /createhome
  2. Fill the fields as needed
  3. Set the position of the entrance and optionally the garage
  4. Choose the shell and height placement for Shell, For MLO create the points

Adding Shells

Add Shell To Resources

First add the shell resource into your server, usually start the folder that was provided to you.

Enable Debug

Enable debug mode in the config/config.lua, set it as true.

Command Test Shell

In the game, use the command /testshell [shellname], e.g. /testshell shell_apartment1

Go towards the entrance/exit

After being teleported, go towards the entrance/exit of the door inside.

Get Offset

Use the command /getoffset to get the offset of the shell. It will be kept in offset.txt.

Command Delete Shell

Lastly, use the command /deleteshell to remove the temporary shell.

Copy Shell

Go into the file offset.txt and copy the shell into the config/shells.lua

Adding IPL

Enable Debug

Enable debug mode in the config/config.lua, set it as true.

Move towards the entrance/exit.

In the game, go to an existing IPL and move towards the entrance/exit.

Command Add IPL

Use the command /addIPL [ipl] [label of the ipl], this will get the coordinate and saved to ipl.txt

Copy the IPL

Copy the IPL Coordinate into the config/ipl.lua

Starter apartment (Optional)

Enable Starter Apartment

Enable UseStarterApartment in the config/config.lua, set it as true.

Import Sql

Import sql Starter Apartment

Restart script

Restart the housing script

Starter apartment (Optional)

  1. Enable UseStarterApartment in the config/config.lua, set it as true.
  2. Import sql Starter Apartment
  3. Restart the housing script


Blinking / Flashing lights in the house(shells/ipl)

If you are using vSync, add this to your client code at the bottom. This is based on the popular vSync of Loaf edited version.

AddEventHandler('vSync:toggle', function(bool)
    weatherEnabled = not bool
Error screenshot command is not appearing in the folder or uploaded properly

This may happen because you have a 4K resolution which makes the file much bigger than necessary. Try lowering your resolution for screenshot command to run.

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