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Tebex Integration

Follow this step in order to use the housing script with tebex

Connect your server with tebex​

  1. Go to your
  2. Select Integrations tab and go to Game Servers
  3. Create a new game server and follow the instruction.
  4. Usually you can copy and paste the key and put it in server.cfg. Like this sv_tebexSecret yourtebexsecretkey
  5. Then in the server console after start up you will see this in the console. authenticated_tebex

Add your package​

  1. In your, select Packages
  2. Create a new Package, configure it as you want (title, price, desc, photo, etc)
  3. Add a Game Server Command and select your game server that you have created
  4. If its a one time purchase choose When the package is purchased. If its a subscription do add another command When subscription renews.
  5. Make sure the command requires player to be online, Only execute command when the player is online.
  6. The command will be tebex_house [homeId] {sid} so for example tebex_house 27739 {sid}tebex_command
  7. And you are done! If you want to test it out you can use manual payment. Go to Payment tab, then select Create Payment and give the package manually. Make sure the cfx id are the same as the one who you want to give it to.